Sport competition is an excellent way for students who have the desire and commitment to test their skills and earn recognition for their training accomplishments. Southern California has many opportunities for BJJ competition at many levels, from recreational to professional, and as an affiliate of the Checkmat USA organization, Checkmat Fallbrook students are qualified to compete in IBJJF and SJJIF sanctioned events including the World Championships. The Checkmat Fallbrook BJJ competition team is an optional membership, available to students with coach’s permission, at an additional cost. The team will attend a minimum of four competitions per year, though team athletes are not required to compete in every competition. Team competitions will be selected by the coach based on level, travel distance, cost, schedule, and other factors in line with our team mission of creating a fun, positive experience to enhance and reward skills, motivation, and sportsmanship. Students are required to have and wear official team gear at all competitions. Students are required to be on the unlimited plan and must consistently attend a minimum of 3 classes per week if they wish to compete. It is at coach’s discretion whether an athlete possesses the skills, attitude, and level of conditioning to represent our academy in competition. The team fee includes an official Checkmat Fallbrook BJJ “Comp Squad” T-shirt, and covers the additional time and attention of your coach preparing a competitive level athlete for and attending tournaments. This fee does NOT include the costs of each competition or membership fees charged by the host promoter of the competitions.